This is the story of APEX.

Hi, my name is Jesse and I am a professional Racing Driver.

My racing journey began when I was just five years old, in my very first Go-Kart. As my career has progressed I've learned how important it is to stay hydrated during long racing weekends. Despite my efforts, I never found a drink that met all of my needs, so I decided to create my own.

This is the story of APEX.

As my career has progressed, my weekends have become longer, starting on Wednesdays and lasting until Sunday. I've learned that in addition to being focused and alert on the track, it's important to stay hydrated, particularly when I travel to warmer climates like Italy.

Proper hydration is key to achieving great results.

In my quest for the perfect drink to power me through my days, I've tried so many options. Some provided a quick boost but then led to a energy crash, while others tasted sweet but didn't improve my performance. Some made me tired over time and others didn't do anything at all. 

Despite my efforts, I never found a drink that met all of my needs, so I decided to create my own.

After many attempts, I finally created a drink that met all of my criteria: it hydrated, energized, and tasted fantastic. But I knew that in order to make it the best it could be, I needed feedback from others.

I reached out to my friends, both on and off the track, to try the drink and get their feedback. My friends from school help a lot, they assisted me with this website and some names for the delicious flavours. my good friend Harry helped with this website and Kasra, Mason and Jarlie helped with the names. my friends played a big part in this, While some offered constructive criticism, others did not! I took all of their ideas to heart and continued to make improvements until I developed a drink that everyone loved.

Given my background in racing, APEX was the perfect name. 

Named after the curb at a corner that every driver aims to hit. APEX has become my go-to drink during races, and I'm excited to share it with other young athletes who are looking for a drink that can help them perform at their best.

Ready to Hit the Apex?